Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas STUFF coming on us at FBC & Bay West

Christmas is here and it's crazy, because another year has just flown by.  When we look back at this year, we've been
- "radical" in new ways, serving in ways we've never served before.
- started new directions in our lives, studied God's Word differently, expecting a difference in our lives.
- started a partnership in another country to reach an unreached people group, and help support the building of a clean water system in Nicaragua that has been instrumental in leading over 30 people to Christ.

So far, good year, but it's not over...and there are lots of Christmas things to benefit us this year.

Our Christmas Schedule at Bay West will be as follows.

We'll meet at Heritage High School on Sunday, Dec. 4, 11, 18 and then on the 25th and January 1st, we'll meet in combined services at the Melbourne Campus...returning to Heritage the next week on January 8th with a GREAT new series, so be ready.

For the "Who is Jesus" series at Bay West, we have some interesting and impacting services planned, so do not miss them.  If you have someone who battles with Who Jesus is, this is a good series to invite them to come...we'll tackle that question.

On December 10-11, we have the Adult Christmas Concert at the Melbourne's a great FREE Christmas offering of music and fun.  You will need a ticket and they are GOING fast.  There are only a few left and they are at Bay West this Sunday.  After that, it's overflow and hope someone doesn't show up.  These are tickets, not just invite cards, so only take them for your immediate family and someone that you've already invited and know they are coming.

On December 18, we'll be having the Children's Choirs Christmas Concert at the Melbourne Campus.  Our little ones are always cute and talented and it's a fun time for all...I'm there with the video camera to watch mine!

As you know, Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year, so we get to celebrate Christ's birth at church this year!  As awesome as this is, we realize that it does present challenges for those with large family traditions, and we are trying to be sensitive to that.  God ordained that His name be praised always, but each church picks the times under His guidance and we feel we've done so this year as well.  We will be offering two services this weekend at our Melbourne Campus...a Christmas Eve service at 5pm and a Christmas Day service at 11am.  Both services will be identical in construction, so you can choose to come to one or both, whatever God leads you to guilt from us.  :)  Childcare is preschool only.

New Year's Day will be a very special time with our two campuses.  Randy and I will be working with Scott on leading the service time...  It will be a special time, very laid back and a time for people to share what God's doing in their lives.  It's called a "Catacomb service" at FBC.  We put the chairs "in the round" on the floor and we lead worship and speak from the floor.  It's really interesting and a special time.

Looking forward to what's going on at Bay West and FBC Melbourne.

Please continue to pray for us as we attempt to be a Jesus- following church in Palm Bay, Florida as a the Bay West Campus of FBC Melbourne.

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