Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Invisible Woman - overtime

Here's a pretty good video by Nicole Johnson called "The Invisible Woman" and it has an expanded view on the message last Sunday from our "Family Matters" series.  Larry played it at the Melbourne Campus. 

Remember that the "invisible creates the visible" and that is your character...the character of the Proverbs 31 woman.  It's interesting to see Nicole's take on not getting caught up in the resume and how she illustrates another point...not only does character connect and rarely gets the credit it deserves...also, it's contribution isn't made for the benefit of the contributor or those close to the contributor here on Earth.

Watch's pretty good and I doubt you'll be disappointed.

Please continue to pray for Bay West Church as we continue to try to be the church of Jesus Christ in the West end of Palm Bay, Florida

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