Thursday, June 11, 2009

Great God!

You know, today I was reminded of God's supreme planning he's incredible and all that stuff. It's really amazing how God is putting this whole thing together...for us to join the work He's doing in Palm Bay, Florida as Bay West Church....this new campus of First Baptist Church of Melbourne.

The other day I was praying and was just really impressed with God at all the things He was doing and at the same time, I started to start feeling really inadequate. I started thinking about all the church planters I know that really know what they are doing...are people that I respect tremendously in their walk and was thinking "Why in the world would God be blessing me as the leader of the project so much?" My honest thought was "I just absolutely don't deserve all this, God". It was one of those times that God almost spoke to wasn't audibly, but it was almost like an immediate phrase popped in my an answer to my statement. The reply was "Good...cause I'm not doing this for you, Jim, I'm doing this for Me."

That re-centered me again and also calmed me as inadequacies don't stop the universe or blow God's plan, in fact, I think He prefers using people who don't have it all going on, like me, so He gets more credit...that's certainly more comforting.

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