Saturday, May 30, 2009

In the beginning...

In the beginning...well, let's don't be that dramatic. It's a new day for us at FBCM and for me personally, as we are planning and working and scheming to start a new campus of FBCM in Palm Bay. We're currently exploring the option of meeting at Heritage High School on the west end of Malabar road...and I mean the WEST end...on the end, way out there...

Believe you me, that I have asked God on more that one occasion if this was what He REALLY wanted. I mean, up until a month ago, we were going down a dirt road (yes, a dirt, unpaved road) to start a church. It's not an easy project beyond that either...there were 9 church starts, of which FBC was at least a part supporter, and this will be the 10th...and it's just us.

We are considering the name Bay West Church. This name will be the external name, while internal communication will call it Bay West Church or the Bay West Campus of FBC Melbourne. It's a little scary, but it's a lot of's exciting to put together details which may help further the cause of Christ in Palm's scary. The economy is bad, yet we will be taking on an ENORMOUS investment and in 2010, we'll be adding 10% (about 225,000 dollars) to our budget. GOD, you must come through, because the truth is that this is something we cannot accomplish on our own.

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