Ever wondered if you should actually be listening to a particular influence (writer, TV show, blog, etc...)? Was faced with this today and God called this to mind from James 3...
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
James 3:17
Is it...
...pure or tainted?
...ultimately peace-loving or divisive?
...considerate to others or rude to them? (not does it tell others they are wrong, that's not being rude, and sometimes it's the most considerate thing to do)
...submissive to authority (God) or demanding for itself?
...merciful or unforgiving?
...impartial or one-sided?
...sincere or manipulative?
What fruit seems to spring from it? (solution or separation, unity or useless conflict, insults or insight).
If it doesn't pass the test, then you can probably get along without it. Also, any wisdom that you feel led to give to others should follow that rule, too.
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