Thursday, November 15, 2012

2/3, Palm Bay and Christ

It's important to take note of the scope of reality where you live and minister at times, just to remember why time is precious.

Palm Bay Statistics
- Population in 2010
39 - the % of population that is affiliated with some religious congregation...(40,244)
61 - the % of population that has no identity with any community of faith...(62.946)
-11 - the % under the national average (50%)
2 out of every 3 people you meet in the city not only do not attend church regularly, but don't even have a church that they WOULD identify with to attend if they were to decide to go...again, that's 62.946 out of 103,190

Breakdown of affiliation of the 39% that are affiliated with a religious congregation... (40,244)
19,719 - the number of Catholics that claim a church (49% of the 39% or 19% of the total pop)
6,439 - the number of Southern Baptists that claim a church (16% of the 39% or 6% of the total pop)
4,024 - the number of United Methodists that claim a church (10% of the 39% or 4% of total pop)
12,073 - the rest of the 39% that claim identity with anything classified as a church - Christ following or not - anything from Non-denominational to a cult or whatever... (30% of the 39% or 11% of total pop)

Understanding this is a reasonable inference that 60% of the population (63000 +), at least, has no relationship with Christ at all...and probably more....and without some change, will die for eternity...

So when you walk into the convenience store tomorrow to pay for your gas...take a quick count of how many people are in there...take a quick count of your classroom, teachers...2/3... 2/3

To my fellow church leaders in our city...this is why we do not have the luxury to play it safe... 2/3

#realitysetsin  #norosyfuzzyfeelinghere #notacceptable #interestedhowGodwillsolvethis #willhavetobeGod #hopeIgettoseethat

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