So impressed with the words of the the recently former Victoria's
Secret model, Kylie Bisutti...someone gets it. Love this quote about
why she quit a financial-rewarding and fame-giving career path...
“I just became so convicted of honoring the Lord..."
Here's her public statement posted on her Twitter page...
“For all of you that were looking for me in the Victorias Secret
runway show this year, I wasn’t in it. I have decided not to model
lingerie Because I personally feel that I am not honoring God or my
husband by doing it. My marriage is very important & with
divorce rates rising I want to do everything I can to protect my
marriage and be respectful to my husband. God graciously gave me this
marriage and this life and my desire is to live a Godly faithful life, I
don’t however judge others for what they do. Everyone is convicted on
different levels.”
If we could all just stop making up fake iron-clad excuses why are "forced" to dishonor God and we can't honor God, or the biggest lie, "I have no choice".
If Jesus is #1, then what is the awesome job, if it wins over Jesus?
She answered that question correctly this time...will you?
One more thing: Let's not make her a saint and require perfection, battle won...pray for more.
More gold in the article...I didn't spoil it too much.
ABC news article about Bisutti
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