Monday, February 27, 2012

Beyond the Vow...

This week we are starting a series at FBC Melbourne at our Bay West Campuses and Melbourne Campuses called "Beyond the Vow" and it's a crucial one.

As a pastor, I see a lot of marriages, both inside the church and outside of it, that are experiencing trouble and because we are human, it can get a little disheartening, even if the majority of the marriages around us are in good shape.  Even so, you have to think...why is that?  The disparity of marriages in the church in trouble or ending in divorce, really is not that different statistically from that in the world and why is that?

I believe that part of the reason is that we've legislated and written and analyzed and psycho-analyzed our marriages to death.  We've struggled through the definition of roles of the spouses and what's fair and what's not and what's too constricting and consequently, what's too freeing...and in all that verbiage, we've forgotten what marriages are for.

For the month of March, we'll be going through this series in our worship services, but we'll also be bringing in Dr. Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, who's done a lot of Biblical study on marriages, to help us take an intense look at our marriages on March 23-24 at our 2 to 1 Marriage conference.  Feel free to signup to come if you'd like here .

Also, in the month of March, off the heels of our Hungry for God series, our church will be participating in a corporate fast***, seeking God intently to move in the marriages in our church that are under attack and for vision/direction for our church as a whole moving forward in how we serve God in the Melbourne/Palm Bay area...March is going to be a HUGE month.

In Beyond the Vow, we are going to take a good hard look at the reason anyone gets married in the first place, exactly what marriages are and AREN'T supposed to accomplish and how we can take that knowledge and "re-track" our marriages on a path that will really last "'til death do us part".

Don't miss it.

***Basically Pastor Scott, Senior Pastor at FBC Melbourne, has called our entire church to take some time and let go of something that we do this month, and use that time seeking God's presence in these areas.  Formally, we are asking members and regular attenders of FBC, both campuses, to consider fasting for a period of time in the month of March from food or some other form of physical gratificaion to seek God's presence in these two areas in our church.  For more info on fasting, you can click here for our page on fasting and some resources OR you can listen to our sermons on fasting here from our "Hungry for God" series.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dove Bible Club Update!

Here's an email from Anthony and Loretta Dozier and the work they are doing for Christ in our Elementary Schools in Brevard.  If you remember we had them come and share with us what's going on in their ministry here a while back at Bay West.

It's truly amazing what has happened in the last few years in their ministry.  Please pray for them...if you are looking for a place to serve outside the church that is a valid, thriving ministry where God is in, this is one for sure.   February 26, they are dedicating their new offices...things grow huh?

Here's the update for Loretta & Anthony.

Dear Dove Bible Club Volunteers and Partners,
God is using you to make a difference in their lives of many, many children.  Thank you!
Testimony:  While at Riviera Elementary last Tuesday, here is what happened.  I was walking the the students to the front gate and a parent stopped me and asked, "Are you one of the Bible teachers?"  I said "Yes, I am".  She began to share these words:  "I just wanted to say thank you for what you and the other teachers are doing.  Every since the first meeting of Dove Bible Club, I have seen a transformation in my daughter.  She used to be afraid to pray out loud or share anything about the Lord.  Now, she prays aloud at home and shares her testimony at church.  It has been amazing how she has changed!  We were at a restaurant the other day and she grabbed her grandfather's hand and began praying.  She loves attending Dove Bible Club and she has really learned a lot. I just wanted to say thank you to all of the teachers."
February Lesson: 
  • The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
  • Character Trait:  Love/Kindness
  • Key Verse:  Luke 10:27
T-Shirt Orders
  • T-Shirt orders are still being accepted; cost is $7.00
  • New regulations dealing with the ink used in children's products put the order on hold
New School Openings for Dove Bible Club
  • Harbor City Elementary
  • University Park Elementary
  • Central Middle School
New School Sponsorships
  • Discovery Elementary was adopted by The Mission Church (God bless you Mission Church!)
  • If you/ your church/your family/ your ministry are interested in adopting a school, please see me for details
Dove Bible Club Office Dedication
  • Dove Bible Club office address:  1707 Canova St. (Unit 3) Palm Bay, Fl.
  • February 26, 2012 @ 4:00pm
  • Come celebrate with us.... Yahooo!!!!
Dove Bible Club Remaining Meetings for February
  • Discovery  2-13-12
  • Palm Bay  2-13-12
  • Columbia  2-14-12
  • Southwest  2-14-12
  • Central  2-15-12
  • Port Malabar   2-16-12
  • Westside  2-17-12
  • Jupiter  2-21-12
  • Meadowlane (P)  2-22-12
  • Lockmar  2-24-12
  • Turner  2-27-12
  • Meadowlane (I)  2-28-12
Dove Bible Club Needs for February
  • Office furniture (office desk, computer desk; computer chairs, conference table, etc.)
  • Office equipment (printer, computer, projector; filing cabinets, etc.)
If you have any questions or need anything, please call us at (321) 728-2251.

God bless you,

Anthony and Loretta

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Someone gets it

So impressed with the words of the the recently former Victoria's Secret model, Kylie Bisutti...someone gets it.  Love this quote about why she quit a financial-rewarding and fame-giving career path...

“I just became so convicted of honoring the Lord..."

Here's her public statement posted on her Twitter page...
“For all of you that were looking for me in the Victorias Secret runway show this year, I wasn’t in it. I have decided not to model lingerie Because I personally feel that I am not honoring God or my husband by doing it. My marriage is very important & with divorce rates rising I want to do everything I can to protect my marriage and be respectful to my husband. God graciously gave me this marriage and this life and my desire is to live a Godly faithful life, I don’t however judge others for what they do. Everyone is convicted on different levels.”

If we could all just stop making up fake iron-clad excuses why are "forced" to dishonor God and we can't honor God, or the biggest lie, "I have no choice".  If Jesus is #1, then what is the awesome job, if it wins over Jesus?   She answered that question correctly this time...will you?

One more thing:  Let's not make her a saint and require perfection, battle won...pray for more.

More gold in the article...I didn't spoil it too much.

ABC news article about Bisutti