...it just ebbs and flows. If you don't know, Bay West Church has experienced our share this week of the launch, so keep praying.
Larry, our SP, had to go to the emergency room on Sunday right after the service. He probably should have gone before the service, but he wanted to be a part of commissioning everyone who was going to Bay West. I've been sick for about 2-3 weeks or so, nothing nearly as serious as Larry's by far, but just had the accelerator to the floor for 6 months or so and this is just the result. Finally had to break down and go to the doctor myself, and get a shot, take a day off and go short days on work for a couple of days (which means keep working, but just try to be calm about it).
Last night, I got a call from one of our Launch Team guys. Tuesday night, he & his son had put out about 20 signs on Malabar in West Palm Bay about the Launch on Sunday...you know, those political signs that stay up for weeks. Well, someone had gone down Malabar and taken all 20 down. I'm not sure if someone just knocked them all down or actually took them away, but they aren't standing.
We also have not received all the final confirmation on the storage space we'll need...computer software issues have taken extra time this week...we've had some extra miscommunication as far as staff at FBC that's taken some re-communication and backtracking and clarification on stuff...nothing major...if you shoot a BB at something, it's not so bad. If they come one at a time, not that big of a deal, but if you shoot 100 at the same time, that's a shotgun shell...bigger deal.
Most of the time, spiritual warfare is always around, so it never really stops, it just goes in waves when you are attempting to accomplish something for the Lord. Personally, I don't think it will destroy the work or anything like that, because God is still in control. Most of the time, sw really just attempts to steal the joy of those involved. It's a good reminder that you are probably doing the right thing, if it upsets the enemy so much, but it's all good.
All I ask, is that all of you pray extra hard this week...we don't want to pull up short and that we don't get thrown off by the inevitable little things that get thrown our way.
praying for you this week!!! Spiritual warfare may mean God has been bragging again. "Have you considered my servant Jim?" Love ya man.