Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Field trip! Field trip! We'll be going on a Field Trip on June 7th to New Hope Church. They've just recently moved into a school and used Portable Church Industries for their church. This is an EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for our Launch team to see up close a similar setup for church. We will be meeting at FBC at 7:25am...that's AM...on Sunday morning, June 7th and leaving at 7:35am to make it to Sherwood Elementary to observe and watch the setup team at New Hope do their thing. Bruce Cadle, the Lead Pastor, will also be available for us to have some Q&A with him during the morning. They will also be providing us with a continental breakfast.

Email me and let me know if you are coming to see what's up...

Sandy is getting a focus group together to fill out a questionairre to help us establish a flavor and design for the Satellite Campus THIS WEEK. We have a discovery call with our graphic artist next Tuesday, so be in prayer for those filling out that crazy's nuts, but there is a method behind the madness and we are working with a proven and successful entity in the field of web design in Details Communications. Click on the name and check out the other churches they've done designs for. Nice work (including our current design a few years ago). We'll be incorporating the dual campus element of our church into a prevalent part of the design and updating our design somewhat. We will also be getting some newer functionality that will make it easier for online giving, event registration and member will be GREAT! Pray for this as well.

Our staff search is still ongoing. I made a contact at the Baptist College of Florida and he will be sending us some traffic from their schools of ministry. If it's on your heart to possible serve as Children's Leader or Worship Leader, it's up to you to follow the procedure and put your name in the hat...if that's what God's telling you to do, it's your responsibility to do it. Just click here for the process (JDs, resume, cover, email to me)... .

Mitch Garner, our Finance Team Leader for FBC Melbourne, and I are getting together to work through the exisitng financial plan for the rest of 2009 and 2010. Pray for wisdom for us and great ideas and that we'll catch as many things as we can.

This meeting went great...we ate a little, fellowshipped a little, gave info and the most important thing...we prayed for the campus and what God will have us do. We will be praying in the Ed building, room 127...

We'll be meeting to pray every Wednesday night in the Education Building in room 127 on the first floor from 6-7pm. Come on by! Also, if you are still considering being a part of the Satellite Campus, this may be a good place for you to be still and let God give you an answer on your direction. Remember that Stan Berry is having prayer/bible study at his house in Palm Bay on Sunday nights as well. You can email Stan at

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