The story: A wonderful story of God’s faithfulness in
Panama rests in the “House that God Provides”. As you know, we have a young couple from our church that felt called to full-time missions in
Panama when we went there earlier this year. They made an incredible step of faith to quit their jobs, and put their house on the market. Without knowing where God’s provision for this calling was coming from, they stepped out in faith and began moving where God wanted them to be. God has provided every step of the way, but one way that God has provided for them, for our church and for the mission of reaching the Chinese in
Panama is through the “House that God Provides”.
During this time, a married couple in our church (who have asked for their names to be withheld) was moved by God to make a bold step as well…to buy a house in
Panama. The plan was to buy the house, let the couple (the Ervins) live in it rent free, and then it would be used to house the mission teams that come down to work with the Chinese. The problem was…how to find a house that’s big enough to do that? The couple gave the Ervins a number to shoot for and then they began looking for a house. They looked at many houses, but many were too expensive. They found one that would be perfect…it was newer than the more expensive ones, it was bigger than many of them and the design of it would lend itself perfectly to housing our teams when they came down…unfortunately, it was over the figure given.
While praying in
Melbourne, the couple buying the house felt a calling of God to increase the number and God gave them one. Mind you, they had no knowledge of the house the Ervins had found at all. They called the Ervins and gave them the new number and yes, this is a God story, so it was the asking price of the house. In addition to a place for the Ervins to live, allowing them to put more time into reaching the Hakka Chinese, this makes the cost of the Panama trip more economical for the teams that come by only adding a fraction of the normal housing cost for a Mission Team to stay in Panama (to upkeep the house). While that is incredible, that’s not all, because this house also opens up a place to house teams from colleges and other churches that would join us in this effort. Amazing, huh? I’m not done.
The house itself came with a story. The owners of the house go to
El Dorado Baptist Church, one of our primary partners in ministering to the Chinese in
Panama. The husband had just become a Christian recently in the last year or so. Upon becoming a Christian, he lost his job. Nalo had been resistant to accept Christ, but when he did, he went at it for real. His job required him to be untruthful periodically about certain figures about his company and after becoming a Christian, he would no longer lie about the production, so he lost his job. Nalo, Marta and their two children remained true to God, even in the face of this seeming disaster. Not being able to find more work, the lack of income was forcing them to lose their house. Imagine finally accepting Christ and integrity to that decision leading to the loss of your job, and now you couldn’t keep your house …but they remained true to God. They had been searching for someone to buy the house before they would lose it, but, not just anyone, they had been praying for something special. They have a heart to reach the Chinese of Panama and they had been praying for a Christian couple with the same heart to buy the house. They were one month from losing the house completely when God led the Ervins to the house through the Pastor of El Dorado Church’s son, Richey, who is a lawyer in
Panama. They trusted God and He was there.
It doesn’t end there. Now the Ervins had to find a way to stay in
Panama legally. The
previous most-economical way to stay in
Panama would have been to apply for a Missionary Visa which would cost the Ervins between $5000 and $10,000. The Missionary Visa would last for a few years and then they would have to pay it all over again to renew it. Richey informed them that with the price of the house, if the house was put in the Ervins’ name for a time that they could then apply for a permanent visa under a little used statute in Panamanian…for free. This provision would also allow them to gain citizenship in just a few years. It’s all perfectly legal. That’s God.
So, God provides…
but understand this…
…if the Ervins had not been faithful to just go with no concrete support for the future, just a promise from God…
…if the couple in Melbourne had not been faithful to what God said about the crazy notion of buying a house in Panama…
…if Nalo had not been faithful in his integrity to God in the face of unemployment…
…if Nalo and Marta had not been faithful to God to pray and wait for God’s timing…the mission to reach the Chinese in Panama wouldn’t have received this incredible confirmation/blessing/tool, and they wouldn’t have seen God’s provision in their lives in this amazing way.
The lesson: (DON'T miss this)
Faithfulness to God is a
chain reaction and if I am unfaithful because I don’t see the resources in my hand,
I refuse the hand of God and His provision in my life. That’s my choice…that’s your choice...that’s our choice as a church as well…it’s the choice of being unfaithful or faithful and we make it every day. We choose to reject the hand of God when we don’t tithe, when we don’t give our time, when we don’t risk our reputation to share …at each decision big AND small, we refuse the blessings that God has pre-arranged for us and for others and we choose destitution over blessing again and again.
While we were in
Panama, the paperwork for the house was processed and the business done. Part of that
business was the making of a plaque that would be affixed on the outside of the house. In Chinese, Spanish and English, a sign exists to be a testament to the God that is faithful…it reads “
The House that God Provides”.
Nalo, Marta and their two children |